About the Show
If you’ve ever wondered where I am Saturdays from 1 to 3 PM – as I often do – you’ll know that I am hosting: “Play By Ear” – with DJ Aurora (my on-air moniker). Please tune in wherever you may be…choose from terrestrial, WCOM FM 103.5, digital wcomfm.org or via the tunein app at: http://tunein.com. Anyway you choose to listen, I’ll hold up my end and promise to be there. Your job is to please tune in. Each week I’ll be exploring interesting themes that showcase the many dimensions of the music world.
Every Saturday from 1-3PM EST/EDT. Looking forward knowing you’re out there!
To make suggestions or requests for future shows, please contact DJ Aurora at: wcomfm.org, DJ Aurora WCOM Fan Facebook Page, WCOM Facebook page or djauroraplaybyear@gmail.com.
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